Friday, March 21, 2014

Hello Again! (Facebook Page- Meghan's Attic post)

I t has been quite a while since I have posted here. I am learning that posted as a page and posting 'as myself' feel quite a lot different. Not sure how to do this :). Trial runs all the way! Try #2! I also discovered that while I am quite capable of making my weekly goal of 7 stuffed animals a week, even more, I apparently wear down after doing it so many wees in a row. Learning how I work, this is so good! I am about ready to share some more projects and products, my latest projects have been more personal, not really sell-able, I have been changing the size of clothes too big on me and modest-ifying to my liking other clothes. Such a great project. I have to take this time that I am so willing to get this done, because if left for later... A familiar story? Clothes are more intimidating to me, creating and fixing them does not click in the same way that stuffed animals do. I get confused about the sizes, patterns, measurements, endless styles!!! Stuffed animals, while they have the same words, size, pattern, measurement, style, I am able to see it in my head and just put it together and modify it as I go! I rarely use a drawn out pattern, because a simply personally done sketch will work just fine- though usually I only draw it so I can go back to it later! My ease is in being able to feel the shape of my art- stuffed animals, sculpted with clay, candle wax and soap- these all work. 'Flatter' art like clothes, drawing (especially drawing! agh!), wire sculpting/twisting, bead work- these are foggier arts.

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